(760) 922-8166

Blythe chamber of Commerce

By connecting you with the right network, getting you the best in business and leadership education, keeping you up to date on business trends and current affairs and advocating for business-friendly policies at the state capital, we’re here to help you be even more successful.

Blythe’s business community knows that by working together we all have a better shot at success. Get to know how our chamber works for you by checking out our membership benefits, joining us at an event, meeting our members or learning more about what we’ve worked towards in our 150-year history.

Your Chamber in Action!

About the Blythe Chamber of Commerce

Our mission is to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Palo Verde Valley Area so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper.

The Blythe Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of the business and professional community.

This nonprofit organization unites hundreds of business and professional firms, thus creating a unique central agency working to improve business and quality of life, building a better economy.

A Few Great Reasons To Join The Blythe Chamber Of Commerce


We work with County and State agencies to represent our local businesses and give our community a voice about issues that affect us.

What better way to meet fellow community members and professionals than at Chamber Mixers, community events and even serving on Chamber committees.

The Blythe Chamber produces several events to bring the community and its members together. And our state and county officials often attend.

Your Chamber membership give you access to referrals and connections to help you grow your business.

Get Involved!

There are so many exciting opportunities for you to engage with the
Blythe Chamber of Commerce and the local community

Membership / Ambassadors

This committee is focused on acquiring new members and is responsible for retention of members by welcoming and assimilating new members to Chamber functions as well as both visiting and surveying members throughout the year. 

Tourism & Marketing

Promote Chamber awareness and increase community engagement. Also works with local businesses, organizations and community leadership to improve the image of our community and promote pride through marketing, projects and recognition programs. This committee also promotes Blythe outside of the community to encourage tourism to the area.

Business & Government Affairs

The Committee works to maintain a continuing dialogue with public officials to aid in the creation of opportunities for job creation, business growth and new market links for members. 

Fundraising & Events Committee

This committee is responsible for determining which events the Chamber should focus on.  Task forces for each event are formed for planning and execution purposes and meet as needed.

Chamber Event Task Forces

There is a task force established for each of the signature events: Christmas Parade, Annual Dinner, Outlook Conference, Winterfest, Cinco De Mayo. These committees are responsible for working with office staff on the execution of the assigned event. Each committee meets as needed.

Community Collaboration Task Forces

Task forces are  formed for Community Collaboration Events: Flying Doctors, Run for the Wall and Miss City of Blythe. Fundraising events such as Poker Runs are also formed . Each committee meets as needed.

Marketfest Committee

This committee sets vendor rates and fees, oversees the project budgets for the market, creates rules and regulations for the market vendors, managers, volunteers and visitors to the market. Advocacy for the farmers market within and outside of the local government or organization overseeing the market.


Nominating Committee

This committee is responsible for nominating new members to the board and to ensure diversity in skills and industries on the board. Meets as needed.

Our Signature Community Events

Christmas Parade

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Cinco De Mayo

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Winter Fest

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Contact The Chamber!

We look forward to hearing from you!

101 E. Hobsonway, Blythe CA

(760) 922-8166
